Keindahan Petir Menyambar.. Lava dan Debu.. Letusan Gunung Berapi Iceland
LUAR BIASA!!.. Keindahan Petir Menyambar.. Lava dan Debu.. Letusan Gunung Berapi Iceland [PICT + VIDEO].. Keadaan inilah yang telah membuat sekian lama lumpuhnya penerbangan eropa.. dan masih banyak cerita aneh yang timbul setelah itu.. salah satunya muncul wajah menyeramkan dari foto udara letusan gunung berapi.. bahkan ada lagi mengenai rumour terlihatnya UFO di Iceland.. sekalian saya kutip juga video UFOnya dari Youtube di bawah ini.. waaakakakkakkk..
Tapi selain menakutkan.. ternyata fotografer nekad telah berhasil mengambil gambar gambar foto yang sangat luar biasa keren dan menakjubkan.. LUAR BIASA!!.. Keindahan Petir Menyambar.. Lava dan Debu.. Letusan Gunung Berapi Iceland [PICT + VIDEO].. Islandia dikenal sebagai tanah api dan es dan di lereng gletser Eyjafjallajökull gambar-gambar ini menunjukkan gunung berapi yang memuntahkan abu cair ke langit di sekitar 100 meter per detik. lihat saja foto foto unik di bawah ini..
Lightning, caused by collisions of volcanic dust, is seen amid the lava and ash erupting from the vent of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano
Lava sparks up the night sky as it spews from the volcano, with giant red clouds rising behind
A fork of lightning crackles in the volcanic cloud, highlighted against the white ice of the glacier below
Huge bolts of lightning rip through the thick black cloud above the Eyjafjallajökull glacier throughout the night
A giant bolt of lightning strikes the ground as the volcano shows no sign of abating
The path of a survey plane is seen as it takes measurements over the top of the erupting volcano
It’s behind you: Motorists escape the smoke and ash rising up from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano… with one car carrying on oblivious to the gathering cloud

Motorists turn back as they encounter a thick cloud of volcanic fog from the volcano which is about 75 miles east of Iceland’s capital Reykjavik
A thick coat of volcanic ash settles on cars near Reykjavik as the Icelanders count the cost of the latest eruption to hit their island
The sky above the harsh Icelandic landscape is turned a pinkish hue as the volcano continues to erupt at sunset
A Nasa satellite picture clearly shows the thick plume of volcanic ash spreading south-east across the Atlantic today towards the UK
sumber : daily mail
Youtube Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupts: 15 April 2010 photographs..
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